Jade Brindley
Jade Brindley
Oncology Nurse
Jade Brindley qualified as an Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN) in 2022. She has previous front line experience for 8 years in psychiatric care and after completing her Masters in Management, went onto lead Health and Social Care Transformation Programmes for Local Governments across the UK. Passionate about all things healthcare and wanting to include animals in her drive for healthcare improvement, she transitioned careers to Veterinary Nursing.
During her studies, she was elected to the British Veterinary Nursing Association Board as a Council Member in which she was on the Diversity and Inclusion Board, was the appointed Student Health and Wellbeing Lead and Student Representative for the Veterinary Nursing Journal. She combined her passion for traveling and healthcare by completing a Mission Rabies Tour in Uganda during her studies and, after qualifying, two veterinary internships in South America. One in the charity veterinary clinic Galapagos Animal Doctors on the Galapagos Islands and the other in La Sende Verde, a hospital and rehabilitation center in the Bolivian jungle for trafficked animals.
Jade has keen interests in OneHealth, human-animal relationships, service access and pathway redesign, and welfare policy. Previously a Chair of the Finances and Resources Board of School Governors for a inner city Primary School in London for three years, she feels strongly about education being accessible as well as educational and has had multiple publications in the Veterinary Nursing Journal and VN Times. She is a hard core geek at heart, finding fun in learning whether it be in academia, through animals, from others or about the world.