Irenka Baldó Clemot

Irenka Baldó Clemot


ECVN Neurology & Neurosurgery Resident

Irenka graduated from the University of Murcia, Spain, in 2016. After a few months working in Spain, she came to the UK to work as a first-opinion Veterinary Surgeon in Oxfordshire for two years.

Following this, she completed an internship in Orthopaedics and Neurology with another Referral Centre. Before she started an internship in Neurology at The Ralph, Irenka completed a one-year rotating internship at a Referral Practice in the West Midlands. She started an ECVN Residency in Neurology & Neurosurgery in late 2022 at The Ralph.

Irenka’s interest in Neurology started after doing a practical course in Neurology and Neurosurgery in Spain right after finishing university. Her goal is to become a Neurology specialist.

She has three dogs in Spain and one rescued dog in the UK. In her free time, Irenka likes to work out, travel and go out with her friends.